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Four generations: Charlee, Channing and Jazmine Johnson; Linda Duke; Melissa Roper; and Jacy and Brooks Hawkins

Featured Article

Spotlight: Meet Jacy Hawkins

The impact of family

Article by Wendy Sack

Photography by Lisa Jones and Joelle Brooks

Originally published in Cullman City Lifestyle

Jacy Hawkins is a registered nurse and with her husband, Dr. Jeremy Hawkins, owns Hawkins Medical & Wellness in Cullman.

“Our practice specializes in direct primary care and concierge medicine, granting members 24/7 access to personalized health care. With a focus on quality over quantity, we provide dedicated attention to each patient,” she said.

Being a family-owned practice is special, said Hawkins. “Our goal is relationships in everything we do. Our family’s desire is to partner with every person we can and help make them the best version of themselves. Jeremy and I love to know each family on as personal a level as we can,” she said. “Talk about divine intervention – our family has been blessed big time, and we're on a roller coaster of joy, serving up love and support to every family that crosses our path. Think of us as the ultimate dream team, spreading good vibes and making miracles happen as we have been called to serve. God has blessed our family and we get the amazing opportunity to serve each and every family we encounter. We get to be the hands and feet of Jesus as a family on a daily basis.”

Hawkins was influenced by her family’s impact.

“Being born and raised in Cullman instills a strong work ethic and culture of love and care. As a member of a family business since 2009, I’ve learned the values of responsibility, dedication and resilience,” she shared. “Growing up I learned the importance of hard work and perseverance, witnessing my parents' commitment to providing for our family while serving our community and persevering through the years. This work ethic translated into academic success, career advancement and a desire to give back to my community. With my business, I will always carry the lessons and values imparted by my family.”

Hawkins said she strives to be honest, courageous, caring and kind. “As a nurse, my passion is to care for every single individual like it is my own dad or mom. Jeremy and I strive to help our patients and families through their healthcare journeys.”

Hawkins’ advice to women aspiring to succeed in business and life:

Believe in yourself! Have confidence in your abilities and trust your instincts. Embrace your unique strengths and talents, and don't be afraid to showcase them in personal and professional pursuits.

Set clear goals: Define what success means to you and set specific, achievable goals.

Build a support system: Surround yourself with mentors, colleagues, friends and family who uplift and inspire you. Seek out role models who have achieved success in areas you aspire to and learn from their experiences.

Prioritize work-life balance: Strive to find a balance between your professional ambitions and personal well-being. Set boundaries, delegate tasks when possible and make time for self-care, hobbies and meaningful relationships outside of work.

Embrace challenges: View obstacles and setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning. Cultivate resilience and perseverance, and don't let fear of failure hold you back.

Advocate for yourself: Speak up for what you deserve in the workplace, whether it's a promotion, equal pay or recognition for your contributions. Don't shy away from negotiating for better opportunities and advocating for your own advancement.

Support other women: Lift as you climb by supporting and empowering other women in their journeys. Foster a sense of solidarity and collaboration rather than competition, and celebrate the successes of your peers.

Lead with authenticity: Be true to yourself and lead with integrity, empathy and compassion. Cultivate a leadership style that is authentic to who you are, and strive to create inclusive and supportive environments for those around you.

Remember your values: Stay grounded in your values and principles, and let them guide your decisions and actions in both business and life. Integrity, honesty and kindness are timeless virtues that can lead to enduring success and fulfillment.

"We're on a roller coaster of joy, serving up love and support to every family that crosses our path."

  • Jacy Hawkins and her precious grandparents Johnny and Linda Duke
  • Four generations: Charlee, Channing and Jazmine Johnson; Linda Duke; Melissa Roper; and Jacy and Brooks Hawkins
  • Jacy Hawkins and her father Ron Foust and mother, Melissa Roper
  • Jacy and Brooks Hawkins

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