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Annual Ladies Luncheon

Lifestyle Publisher Fosters Sense Of Unity, Solidarity And Empowerment

Women serve as selfless backbones of families and communities, providing care, support, nurturance, workplace professionalism, camaraderie and organization. Women also deliver significant roles in community building and leadership. For that, particularly during the month of May, Lifestyle team members applaud all local, inspiring females. 

Every year since 2018, Lifestyle Publisher Sharon Duffy says she delights in gathering local women who are affiliated with both her magazines, McKinney & Prosper Lifestyle as well as Frisco, for a special, uplifting luncheon designed to foster new relationships through heartfelt networking and empowerment.

"I think it's important to give the opportunity for women in all three cities to meet and connect with each other through forming new relationships, and it's important to give all women chances to express and share their voices," explains Sharon. 

The luncheon includes the publications' advertising partners, nonprofits representatives and community leaders. 

Sharon says the luncheon is held at a different venue each year, selected deliberately to support those owned by local residents. This year's luncheon was hosted at the Prosper Wine House event center owned by Prosper residents Mike and Trina Lopez.

Yearly luncheons have been catered every year by FarmHaus Catering in McKinney, owned by Jason Lewis.

"We cater over 400 events a year, so you can say we're in front of a lot of people," Jason states. "I love that my staff remembers Sharon and this event every year, and is always excited to work it! It's such a fun, beautiful event and a chance to meet new faces every year."

Jason says businesses supporting one another is essential: "FarmHaus Catering by Five Star Event Services solely depends on referrals from other businesses, past clients and friends."

"I had an opportunity to work this event this year and left making six viable business connections, including connecting with an event venue (the host), where our menu is now a part of their preferred catering program," Jason shares. 

To honor luncheon attendees, pictures are taken on-site for the magazines' covers every year in support of the annual Ladies theme for May editions. 

During the luncheon, Sharon states that each lady stands to introduce themselves and tell the group about what they do, in addition to any other details they especially want to share.

"I work with so many positive ladies year-round," says Sharon, "and we also intentionally feature nonprofits in our publications to support various initiatives." Those nonprofits include One Heart McKinney, L.I.F.T. R&R, Prosper Veterans Memorial Monument, Rotary Club, Burress Family Foundation, Prosper Education Foundation, McKinney Education Foundation, Hugs Cafe/Hugs Training Academy, Community Garden Kitchen, Love Life Foundation, Leia's Kids, Beautiful Lives Project/Rockstar Runway, Grand Love, Spirit Of A Hero, Smiles Charity, Women Empowering Women Foundation, Treasured Vessels Foundation, Fish America Now Foundation,  Community Food Pantry, LatterHouse Decor, St. Arbor Community Garden, Lovepacs, Frisco Family Services and Responder Impact. 

Luncheon invitees look forward to this yearly event, confirms Sharon, citing their comments: "Thank you, Sharon, for bringing us all together;" "This has been wonderful meeting so many great ladies;" and "Thank you, Sharon, for introducing me to new friends."

This year, Sharon delivered extra luncheon sandwiches to McKinney firefighters in appreciation for their services to the area. 

In conclusion, as another form of tribute to local ladies, here's a befitting poem. 

"The Beauty Of A Woman"
A Poem By Nyx Crayton, Texas   
(as shared in Poetry Circle, one of the Internet's most active poetry forums and online journals)

Women are like flowers, soft and fair,
elegant in every way,
each one unique, a work of art,
nature's beauty on display.

like a rose, a woman can be strong,
with thorns to protect her heart,
but open up to reveal her beauty,
and a love that sets her apart.

like a daisy, wild and free,
a woman can be bold and bright,
with a spirit that can't be tamed,
and a beauty that shines so bright.

all women are like nature's gifts,
each one a treasure to behold,
with beauty that's both rare and precious,
and stories that have yet to be told.

Five Networking Tips For Women

  1. Don’t let common myths about networking be barriers, such as networking is only about how many contacts one has or it's only for extroverts.

  2. Map out your network's structure. Who knows the people you want to know? Are relationships operational, personal or strategic? Trusting and mutually beneficial? Superficial and one-sided? Vertically diverse? Is your network heavy with people who are similar to each other? Is your network outdated?

  3. Identify resources you need to do your job, have influence and advance your career.

  4. Connect with others authentically by reading each situation and really listening.

  5. Volunteer for projects or 'assignments' to get out of your comfort zone. 

  6.  Develop networks by building, maintaining, leveraging and transitioning relationships.

  • Farmhaus Catering served for attendees.
  • Fellowship and networking at annual ladies luncheon at the new Prosper Winehouse.
  • Jason Lewis, COO, FarmHaus Catering by Five Star Event Services