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A Lesson in Perserverence

Meet Brookhaven author Audrey Galex

Brookhaven author Audrey Galex has recently released her first children’s book, Turtle Rocks, an inspiring, whimsically illustrated book with a timeless message about the power of teamwork and friendship, perseverance and resilience.

Illustrated by Colleen Finn, Turtle Rocks is an enduring story that children of all ages will enjoy.

Audrey explains where she likes to go for inspiration, “When, like me, you live ‘on the edge’ of Brookhaven, you can't help but spend most of your time in Brookhaven. Whether it's taking our grand dogs to the dog park, walking the Peachtree Creek Greenway, shopping weekly at Costco, savoring a delicious meal at EATaliano, or grabbing MARTA into Atlanta, Brookhaven is our go-to place. Walking the perimeter of the dog park has been an inspiring place for conversation and self-reflection. Watching the dogs lope across the open field and splash in the creek reminds me to enjoy every moment, even life's simplest pleasures.”

Audrey Galex is a dynamic storyteller, journalist, and community advocate dedicated to amplifying voices, fostering connections, and inspiring positive change. Born and raised in Rock Island, Illinois, Audrey's passion for storytelling blossomed along the banks of the Mississippi River. She believes in the power of stories to open hearts and minds, fostering understanding and empathy in an ever-changing world.