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Embracing Autism: A Family's Unwavering Devotion

In the World of Ordinary, Mattox Painted His Own Extraordinary World

Article by Stacy Leach

Photography by Three Little Chickadees

Originally published in Porter City Lifestyle

At just five years old, Mattox's journey began with whispers of difference—subtle echoes of delayed speech and tip-toe dances. But it was the tumultuous transition to kindergarten that shattered the silence, revealing a symphony of struggles. The shift from the gentle rhythm of pre-K to the relentless tempo of full-day school plunged Mattox into chaos. The upheaval triggered a meltdown, leaving his parents bewildered and seeking answers. Formal testing confirmed their suspicions—Mattox was diagnosed with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder and ADHD. Brittany, his mom, couldn't hold back the tears, while Clay, his dad, remained a pillar of strength. They grappled with feelings of failure, wondering if they had missed something along the way. But with time came clarity, and they realized that their love for Mattox would never waver regardless of the outcome of their journey.

Navigating the challenges of medication was another hurdle, as autism comes with zero instructions. Brittany was initially reluctant to medicate her young son, but with Mattox's severe autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder diagnosis, they knew it was necessary. Finding the right medication was a journey of trial and error, but they eventually found a solution. With each obstacle they faced, the family embraced a "learn as we go" attitude. The 504 program has been vital throughout Mattox's schooling and ensured equitable education access under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Adapting to Mattox's needs meant maintaining consistent routines and giving advance notice of changes.

Despite the challenges, Mattox thrived in his own unique way. His love for math and sharks was evident from a young age, and his memorization skills were unmatched. As he grew older, his interests diversified, from baseball to breakdancing to theatre. Support from family and friends buoyed the Gibsons through the toughest times. They never treated Mattox differently, allowing him to be the big brother his siblings adored. When meeting new people, they openly discussed Mattox's autism, fostering understanding and acceptance.

Today, Mattox is a thriving teenager and eager to tackle whatever challenges come his way. His parents admire his resilience and determination, knowing that he will pave his own path in his own time. The family has invested unwavering support and unconditional love, believing that Mattox will overcome any obstacles that lie ahead. 

Pull Quote for page 4 - Knowledge is key. Acknowledgment is understanding. Having grace is the choice we should all make.