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In the Zone

Bar Method Houston-Memorial provides an excellent workout, expert instructors and a sense of community.

Article by Memorial Lifestyle Staff

Photography by Photography courtesy of Bar Method Houston

Originally published in Memorial Lifestyle

Summer is a great time to shake things up and try a new exercise program. Although Houston has many classes, gyms, and studios, Bar Method Houston-Memorial is a woman-owned, small business focusing on its client's needs.  

Bar Method Houston-Memorial distinguishes itself from other exercise studios by providing an inclusive and supportive atmosphere for individuals at every fitness level. With a strong focus on instructor training and certification in anatomy, the studio ensures that clients receive top-notch guidance.

Clients can expect various class formats on Bar Method Houston-Memorial's schedule. Modifications are readily available to accommodate those requiring assistance building strength or recovering from injuries. Simultaneously, the studio offers challenges for those seeking to push their limits. The tight-knit community of clients fosters an environment of encouragement, with friendly smiles greeting newcomers as they experience their first exhilarating "shake" in class.

We sat down with Bar Method Houston-Memorial owner, Kendall Ried, to learn more. 

What type of workout can clients expect? 

The Bar Method workout is challenging but also rooted in science. A traditional class will target specific muscle groups (arms, thigh, seat, and abs). Stretches follow the most intense portions of the class. Our exercises have been approved and even developed with a physical therapist. 

What are three things people don't realize about barre workouts? 

No dance background is required. While The Bar Method is ballet-inspired, you don't need any dance experience or knowledge. The Bar Method is beat driven. You'll love working out with us if you like to work out to music. The Bar Method is for everyone– you don't have to have a specific body type to do barre. 

Why are barre workouts great for getting lean and toning during summer? At The Bar Method, every day is leg day. No matter the format, every class will give you a full-body workout. We work the largest muscle groups the longest (your thighs and glutes), but we will tone those little muscles you didn't even know you had. 

Bar Method Houston-Memorial 

12850 Memorial Dr #1135, Houston, TX 77024

(281) 888-6266

Kendall Ried is a Dallas native who moved to Houston for work. She began taking classes at The Bar Method Houston-Montrose and was immediately intrigued. After taking classes for six months, she auditioned to become an instructor. Fast forward several years, and she now owns two Houston locations.

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