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A Group Of Women Supporting Women

Article by Sharla Davenport

Photography by Courtney Mitchell

Originally published in Texoma City Lifestyle

An unassuming sign -- that’s all it took for women to find friendships and support. One morning Karla Davis observed frazzled moms at school drop off across the street. Karla remembered that time with young children and felt compelled to help. The next morning, she put a sign on her door inviting moms for coffee. To her surprise, they showed up – and did so for the next five years.

In 2018, Karla moved from Celina to Sherman. While her real estate business prospered, she missed the camaraderie of women. She created the “Ladies of Texoma” Facebook page to meet new people and provide a positive space for local women to share events, to introduce themselves, and to bond. The membership has tripled since then with now over two thousand members. 

Once again, she knew coffee could bring people together, so Karla used the platform to establish the “No Agenda Coffee” club which meets every Thursday from 8:00am -10:00am at White Rabbit Coffee House in Sherman (100 S. Crockett St). The motto, “Come when you can and leave when you need to," allows for a stress-free way to unite with other local women.

The mission is for women to encourage and be encouraged, support and be supported. Karla says, “We all need to experience this, but also to GIVE support and encouragement.” Like the name suggests, there is no agenda, except to empower others. There’s no networking, nothing sold, just fellowship.

Resulting in a phenomenal vibe according to Karla, “It’s unexplainable. You walk in and feel accepted. It was unplanned, just happened.” Each week the group has grown including spin-off events like gardening classes, crafts, and supper clubs. 

Both the groups uplift women. Karla doesn’t take credit for the popularity but believes “it’s a God thing.” All starting with a simple sign to reach out and empower one another.

Facebook @Ladies Of Texoma