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Featured Article

Threads of Love

A Story of Fashion, Family and Faith

Article by Kelsey Huber

Photography by Lindsey Wagers/Wagers Photography

Originally published in Topeka City Lifestyle

Moms and daughters share a special bond and sometimes that bond is so strong and shines so brightly that onlookers can’t help but notice. Such is the case with Monica Rivera-Martinez and her two daughters, Jessica and Christina. “My mom was a single mom. Many nights she worked the second or third shift to make ends meet,” said Jessica, the eldest daughter. “We all had to pitch in to make it work.” Growing up, Monica leaned on Jessica to take care of her little sister and the three formed an unbreakable bond. “It was us against the world,” Jessica said.

Monica is a cancer patient at Cotton O’Neil Cancer Center. Her Nurse Practitioner asked her if she would be interested in modeling for the Couture for Cancer fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. “It was way out of her comfort zone,” Jessica said, “but she did it for us and for all of the other cancer patients and survivors. She is a giver.” 

The runway models for the Couture for Cancer event, all cancer survivors, gathered for a photo shoot. It was there, while volunteering, that Topeka City Lifestyle editor Kathy Graham got the inspiration for this article. The models got hair and makeup done and got to pick an outfit to be photographed in. She noticed the chemistry that Jessica and Christina had with their mother when helping her choose her clothing. The three women exuded such a wonderful energy that she knew they would be perfect for this story. Monica agreed (with a little encouragement from her daughters) and they scheduled another photo shoot at Madison Avenue Boutique for a little mother-daughter fashion fun.

Moms and daughters are notorious for their differing opinions on fashion. When we’re young, we rely on our moms to dress us with little input of our own, but as we mature, we develop our own sense of style. Some young ladies push back declaring they will only wear dresses or conversely, they declare all-out war against dresses. Others whine and cry about sock seams, itchy tags, or crooked underwear. Ugly ultimatums and magnificent meltdowns ensue. 

“Growing up, if Mom set out an outfit, you wore it,” Jessica laughed. “There was no arguing or back talk. Sometimes I would bribe Christina by letting her wear one of my shirts to keep her happy, but overall, we didn’t make a big fuss.” So what was it like when the tables were turned and the girls were in charge of helping to dress their mother? 

“Oh, she had the final say, for sure,” Christina confirmed. But Monica surprised everyone with how agreeable she was to expanding her wardrobe. “Mom leans toward neutrals and more conservative styles,” Christina said. “But we helped her choose some bolder pieces and colorful accessories. It was fun making Mom the center of attention. I think she really enjoyed the role reversal that day.” 

“We knew if we got her out it would be good for her,” said Jessica. Not surprisingly, their hunch was correct. “They have filled my days with light, laughter, and fun,” Monica said. “I am so grateful to my daughters for taking care of me.” 

Women like Monica are an inspiration to all of us - strong, brave, selfless, and beautiful both inside and out. As mothers, we are all models for our children, especially our daughters. Thank you, Monica, for being a wonderful model both on the runway and in real life. When it comes to love…you wear it well.


"I am so grateful to my daughters for taking care of me.”  - Monica Rivera-Martinez