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Karen Hoffman

Featured Article

Pay It Forward With Intention

Karen Hoffman, Founder Of Gateway To Dreams Nonprofit

Why is 'paying it forward' important to you?
"I read the book, 'Pay It Forward' by Catherine Ryan Hyde, and the premise behind this fictional book blew me away. That we could change our world for the better by intentionally paying it forward. A fiction book COULD be true. And if it COULD be true, why not help it BECOME true?"

What is needed to realize this dream?
"Make a commitment to finding a way to pay it forward with intention three times. Asking each person you help, to pay it forward with intention, just three times in their lifetime. This is not buying a cup of coffee. It’s more intentional."

What do you mean, 'more intentional?'
"Thinking about ways you can really help someone…maybe an individual, family or perhaps a nonprofit organization. Helping an individual find a job. Or helping an elderly neighbor in an ongoing way, like helping with their yard or shopping for them. Maybe help a family find a new home or if they have a specific need you could help with. One of my favorite ways to 'pay it forward with intention' is with local smaller nonprofits."

Here are some local nonprofits to consider for paying it forward with intention:

Baskets for kids in need; 

Summer camp for inner city youths; 

Support for breast cancer patients; 

Racial equity issues;  

Donate furniture and household goods; 

Helping those searching for employment; 

Serving grieving siblings; 

  • Karen Hoffman
  • Karen Hoffman