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April's Round-Up of Favorite Things

1. Drift Modern Coastal Restaurant, Pensacola Beach

An unforgettable evening with my editor and an esteemed author, soon to feature in our June Men's edition. The exquisite food, from appetizers to steaks, and the Gulf of Mexico's view, was mesmerizing. As a culinary enthusiast, the presentation and taste were awe-inspiring, echoing the constant vacation feel of my home.

2. Jaco's Christmas in a Glass - Among my top go-to spots, particularly for enjoying Happy Hour before the journey home with clients or my grown daughter who works in the city. My favorite drink, which I affectionately call "Christmas in a Glass" – it's like celebrating the festive season any time of the year! Bayfront Bar & Grille, Downtown Pensacola

3. Empowering Women at Impact 100 - I'm honored to become a member of IMPACT 100, where women support community betterment in Escambia and Santa Rosa through significant grants, driving local innovation and societal growth.

4. Bingo with My Besties in Downtown Pensacola. An enchanting evening of 80s-themed fun, dedicated to a noble cause—supporting children with Autism—unfolded at the Museum of Commerce.

5. Pensacola's Opera Rock the Runway. Proud to participate in the Pensacola Opera's Rock the Runway in February at Vinyl Music Hall. This unique event blended rock, pop and opera with fashion inspired by opera heroines, supporting opera performances and education in our community.