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Staying Well

Blue Alchemy IV Hydration and Wellness offers the boost your body needs to stay healthy

Article by Michelle W. Parnell

Photography by Danielle Franklin Photography

Originally published in Evans City Lifestyle

Over her twenty-five years of nursing experience in acute care situations, Melissa Blue noticed a pattern in her patients. “Everywhere I went, it was the same. Patients had high blood pressure, diabetes, congestive heart failure, and obesity,” she shares. “Dehydration is one of the major contributors to chronic diseases like these and I feel it is important to educate people and get them to think more about wellness and prevention.”

At Blue Alchemy IV Hydration and Wellness, clients receive the benefits of IV infusions, vitamin injections, and a medical weight loss program. Melissa works with Nurse Practitioner Kristen Lang-Coleman and Dr. Stephen Outten to ensure clients have medical clearance to receive treatments. “Everyone undergoes a health assessment either with the Nurse Practitioner or Physician before starting any therapies,” explains Melissa. “It is during the health assessment that clients can ask questions about which formulas or services might work best.”

“IV infusions, which deliver nutrients to the body by administering fluids directly into the blood vessel, provide 100% bioavailability versus 30-40% absorption with oral supplements,” explains Melissa. “B vitamins, Vitamin C, D, and magnesium are the most common vitamin deficiencies. Symptoms of vitamin deficiencies could be fatigue, muscle aches, cold hands or feet, dry skin and more.”  Some IV infusion formulas, such as Brainstorm, Inner Beauty, and Reboot are common mixtures to improve cognitive function, rejuvenate skin, and help the body recover from nausea and dehydration. “Our most popular is the Myers Cocktail,” says Melissa. “It is an all-in-one formula created by John Myers to help increase hydration, help alleviate stress, improve immunity, restore balance to the system, reduce fatigue, improve energy levels, and reduce cold or flu symptoms.”

Melissa mixes each formula before use not only to ensure maximum potency for the best results, but so that she can customize each formula based each client’s specific needs. IV infusions can take anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour depending on how many bags of fluid being administered. Special formulas such as Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) and high potency vitamin C take longer. With the use of an ultrasound machine to locate veins, Melissa takes the guesswork and fear out of IV therapies.

Vitamin injection shots like B12, Vitamin D or Immunity Boost are a quick and efficient way to give the body a boost when time is of the essence.

Medical weight loss is a great option for those who have tried traditional methods but have been unable to meet weight loss goals. “We do an extensive consultation where we conduct a medical assessment including examining lab values to see if anything needs to be addressed before they begin the program. We also discuss what has worked well and what hasn’t worked well, take body measurements, and create a customized plan to optimize weight loss.” 

Therapies available through Blue Alchemy IV Hydration + Wellness promote a healthy lifestyle of prevention and wellness. For more detailed descriptions of the services available, visit Blue Alchemy IV Hydration and Wellness is located at 601 N Belair Office Square Suite 26 in Evans. Concierge and mobile service is also available for individuals or groups. Same day appointments are accepted but subject to availability. To schedule an appointment, visit or send a text to (706) 339-4142.

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