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Strategic Wardrobe Investment

Splurge, Spend, Save

In the world of style, knowing where to splurge, spend, and save is key to building a versatile and timeless wardrobe. Not all garments deserve a hefty portion of your budget. Here's how to invest in your wardrobe wisely.

Splurge on Underwear and Outerwear:

At the foundation of every well-curated wardrobe are high-grade underwear and sturdy outerwear. Proper undergarments are the secret to a flawless outfit. When it comes to outerwear - think coats, jackets, and everyday shoes - it's essential to invest in pieces that offer both style and durability. These investments are particularly crucial for those who are on their feet a lot, live in harsh climates, or require extra foot support.

Spend on the bottom:

Next, focus your spending on bottoms—jeans, skirts, work trousers, and dresses. These items form the functional core of your wardrobe, where spending a bit more often directly correlates to mean better quality and longevity. Good bottoms solve many wardrobe challenges, making them worth the investment.

Save on Top:

Finally, save on tops. This category allows you to play with the latest trends and colors without breaking the bank. Tops are easier and less costly to update, making them the perfect category for adding a bit of fun and variety into your wardrobe seasonally.

By adopting this approach—investing in essential foundations, choosing quality bottoms, and saving on trendy tops—you'll create a wardrobe that's not only stylish but also a wise investment.

  • Lana Ashby Rowder, Founder of lookingGLASS Lifestyle
  • Lana Ashby Rowder, Founder of lookingGLASS Lifestyle