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Alisha Nicholas of Alicia Nicholas Design

Featured Article

Wellness Warrior

With over 1.6 million Americans living with or in remission from blood cancer, a cure needs to be found.

Alicia Nicholas, interior designer of Alicia Nicholas Design, has been nominated as a 2024 Visionaries of the Year Candidate to help raise funds for the prestigious Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLC). Her goal is to raise $150,000 to help find a cure for blood cancer and to also give support to patients and families faced with this tragedy. Even the smallest donations can help further technological advances in conquering blood cancer.

What makes this nomination so special to Alicia is her story and first-hand experience with leukemia. Thirty-two years ago, Alicia’s aunt Diane was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia. “Undergoing an experimental treatment that required frequent hospital stays, Diane battled leukemia for over two years. Now, nearing age sixty-seven, she still tends to her garden, entertains, takes care of her two grandchildren, and is as healthy as ever. Her courage and strength paved the way for others who would suffer the same fate.”

At the time of Alicia’s aunt’s battle with leukemia, only ten percent of patients survived more than a few months. This makes her story even more inspiring and incredible for those battling blood cancer.

Incredibly, through generous donations and fundraisers like Alicia's, huge technological advances and intensive research breakthroughs have raised the number from ten percent to ninety percent of those suffering from leukemia to achieve remission and continue to survive decades longer just like Alicia’s aunt Diane.

While these technological advances are still pushing ahead, there are still so many stories of blood cancer that end in tragedy and loss. Because of this, Alicia needs your help raising funds.

Several events are finalized and planned for you to join, and more are still in the works! To donate, visit Alicia’s page,

Anything, whether joining an event or donating to Alicia's fund, will greatly impact the community.

  • Alisha Nicholas of Alicia Nicholas Design