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Wellroot Family Services

Assisting foster children and families across Georgia

Since 1871, Wellroot Family Services, formerly The United Methodist Children’s Home, has operated with the vision of every child being raised in a loving, compassionate, and nurturing home. The organization, which works throughout Georgia, connects children with foster families, offers transitional and independent living assistance for children aging out of the foster care system, and provides programs to help children and families every step of the way. With approximately 11,000 children currently in the foster care system in Georgia, Wellroot still has significant work to do.

Tammy Ferguson, an art teacher at Riverside Elementary School, and her husband have worked closely with Wellroot over the last four years of their foster care journey. As empty nesters, the Fergusons initially set out to provide respite care over weekends and school breaks for a local foster family, but that time investment later turned into fostering, and then adopting, the two girls. “We just fell in love with their little sassy personalities,” shared Tammy. “When their placement was disrupted, we had no idea where they would go. So, we got certified through Wellroot so we could foster and three years later, we adopted them.”

Because they believe in helping children, the Fergusons recently added two more children to their home through fostering with hopes of adopting the children soon. “I have a passion for protecting children and I believe that everyone would have a wonderful life if their childhood is wonderful,” she said. “I always tell the children that the most important part of their life right now is to enjoy their childhood.”

For the Fergusons, Wellroot’s programs have been a vital part of their success as a foster family. “Not only do they certify foster parents, but they provide the educational courses that are required by the state, remind you if you need to take the courses, and help you with your paperwork,” explained Tammy. “It is a supportive group of people that really become your family.”

In addition to serving as a foster family, there are other ways to help children in Georgia’s foster care system. One way is providing respite care for families who foster children. Another way to help is through the Fostering Success Tax Credit which allows Georgia residents to redirect their taxes to agencies like Wellroot that support youth who have aged out of foster care.

“Each year over 700 young adults transition out of foster care when they turn 18 without a permanent family support network,” explained Allison Ashe, president and CEO of Wellroot Family Services. “Many of them find themselves homeless during this critical time. At Wellroot Family Services, we provide these young adults with housing, continued education training, life skills coaching, and, most importantly, the love and support of a community.”

Through the Wellroot transitional living program, young adults live in an apartment on Wellroot property with access to 24-hour assistance and a life coach to help them complete their education and fully transition into adulthood.

Wellroot also offers additional programs to help Georgia families including the Functional Family Therapy and Healthy Families programs. For more detailed information on these and other Wellroot Family Services programs, visit or call (404) 327-5820. The Wellroot Family Services Augusta Office is located at 5555 Hereford Farm Road in Evans.