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Spicy Sophie

An Exclusive with the Fun and Feisty Phoenix Mercury Blond Bombshell, Sophie Cunningham

She's living proof blondes have more fun.

Sophie Cunningham is a Phoenix Mercury fan favorite. Her claim to fame is flaunting spice on the court, showing young girls to embrace a feisty side.

Our owner/publisher Nadine scored a chat with the 6 '1” A-list athlete. 

Before we dive into your AZ celeb status, let’s talk Tigers. You made history at Mizzou as the college’s all-time leading scorer and leader in free throws. How do you feel being a staple of Columbia, Missouri?

I was born and raised in Columbia. It’s amazing playing a role in my family's legacy at Mizzou; my grandpa played Mizzou football, as did my dad and uncle. My mom did track and field, my aunt played basketball, and so did me and my sister. To this day, my sister is my inspiration. Mizzou's black and gold is in our blood.

I wanted to put Mizzou women's basketball on the map and I think we got 8th in the nation.

I aim to instill hope in young girls that a blue-collar family can do big things. 

You were drafted to the Mercury in 2019, Arizona became your second home, and fans immediately embraced your feisty side. In your own words, who is “Spicy Sophie?”

I’m chill and like to have a good time. But there's just something about being inside the lines of basketball where I flip a switch and become spicy. 

However, at the end of the day, I like my spicy margaritas by the pool.

Speaking of sipping, people can get your signature spicy margarita at Footprint Center, yes?

I credit our chefs, but I'm all for it.

I also think the word “spicy” is fitting for our Valley fans – it’s what Phoenix is all about. We're a loving group, but don't mess with us, right?

Are you living your dream?

I always wanted to be a pro athlete and inspire the next generation.

My family fed me immense confidence growing up and I developed a strong belief that my athleticism would be my biggest superpower.

What’s your daily routine?

I train from 7a-11a at the same facility as the Suns which is cool because you get to create a bond with them.

During the day, I’ll nap or hang by the pool. Then, I work the Suns games.

That’s so fun you’re part of the Suns' broadcast team during the WNBA offseason! Give us some insight.

I get to work with Tom Chambers, who is amazing... but I gotta give it back to him because he likes to talk trash. And the rest of the guys are just as incredible.

Being a reporter is a fresh endeavor for me- being thrown into the fire... but I love being on another side of basketball.

Plus, those men need a young, feisty girl sometimes.

What's your cheat meal?

Donuts. And I’m not scared to throw down baby back ribs.

What's your style off the court?

I'm down to earth and fun. From a fashion standpoint, this year people are going to be surprised because I have a stylist who might throw in pops of Barbie. I'm excited for my outfits.

So versatile going from basketball superstar to Barbie girl. What are your hobbies?

Horseback riding, hiking and boating.

What have you learned since going pro?

Playing among the world's best athletes, you can't get too high; you can’t get too low. I’ve learned to show up, be myself, smile and be grateful.

The court is where I feel most free. I have faith, so I just go out there and do my best. I play with emotion and expression. 

What are your favorite Valley hot spots?

The Global Ambassador and grabbing a burger at Harvey's. We’re spoiled here to have many good options.

What's on your playlist?

I like everything, but country for sure.

What’s your most memorable moment as a Mercury player so far?

I’ll stick with the spicy vibes...

One time, the ref didn’t call a foul and I had quite an encounter with the opponent. I’m no fighter, but got in her face because I don’t take disrespect.

It blew up on social media, but that’s not why I find it memorable.

I love it because I stood my ground and showed people it’s okay to stand up for yourself, especially as a woman.

What's on your bucket list?

An African safari, attending a symphony and to swim with sharks.

Finally, a question from my sports-obsessed 9-year-old. When you’re on the court, does it feel like you’re playing at recess on the playground?

I think there’s a bit more on the line than having fun at recess, but when we take the pressure off and act like we're kids again, that's when we play our best basketball.

"Don't mess with me on the court, but when I'm off the court, I love everyone." -Spicy Sophie

"I was raised to believe it's okay for girls to work hard, sweat and beat a boy. I’m the ultimate competitor who learned at a young age: don't let anyone tilt your crown." -Sophie Cunningham

  • Photo Credit: Kelby Reck
  • Credit: Phoenix Mercury
  • Credit: Phoenix Mercury
  • Credit: Phoenix Suns
  • Credit: Phoenix Mercury
  • Credit: Phoenix Mercury
  • Photo Credit: Scott & Shannon Schaefer
  • Photo Credit: Scott & Shannon Schaefer
  • Photo Credit: Scott & Shannon Schaefer
  • Photo Credit: Adidas